• Visualization

    Visualizing is a mindfulness technique to help you pause and focus on something in order to feel calm. Visualization is just imagining. Imagine that you are at the beach or in the mountains or in your favorite place. What things to you see there? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you feel? Visualize some place that helps you feel calm and connected.

  • Mindful Stretching

    Practice taking gentle stretches while you take slow, deep breaths in and out. Let your head fall towards a shoulder, stretching your neck. Let your shoulders roll forward and back. Find small ways to breathe and move your body.

  • Belly Breathing

    Taking full, deep breaths is a great way to calm down and manage your stress. Belly breaths is a way to practice taking those slow, deep breaths. Place your hand on your belly and as you breathe in notice your belly expanding or getting bigger. As you breathe out, notice your belly contracting or getting smaller. Keep belly breathing until you feel calm.